


Conference "NU Green Campus Sustainability Living Labs"

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The Corporate Foundation "National conservation initiative" together with the Office of Sustainable Development of AEO "Nazarbayev University" is implementing the Sustainability Living Lab (SLL) program sponsored by Chevron Munaigas Inc. and aimed at implementing research and innovative projects on sustainable development on campus through the involvement of students, professors and university staff. The purpose of the SLL program is to support green initiatives of universities that contribute to improving the sustainable development of their campuses through:

- providing an opportunity for students, teachers and university staff to solve real environmental problems of the university through the application of applied research and innovation;

- improving the information education of the university community on sustainable development issues;

-practical and educational experience gained during the implementation of projects.

Since 2021, the implementation of the SLL program has been launched in universities of Kazakhstan and it is planned to involve M. Auezov YUU in it. In this regard, Zhadra Atirkhankyzy, Head of the Department of "Ecology" of M. Auezov Shingisbayev UCU, took part in the NU Green Campus Sustainability Living Lab conference from October 15 to 17, 2021, where a presentation of the program for attracting new universities was held, as well as a presentation of completed projects for the exchange of experience.

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