


Online breakout session dedicated to the World Standards Day

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RSE "Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology" in the period from October 11 to 12, 2021, as part of the events to celebrate the World Standards Day, held online breakout sessions on the topic "A common vision of a better world. Standards in Support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals", dedicated to the discussion of a number of the most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter - SDGs):

  1. Breakout session of SDG 3 "Good health and well-being"
  2. Breakout session of SDG 4 "Quality education"
  3. Breakout session of SDG 8 "Decent work and economic growth"
  4. Breakout session of SDG 13 "Combating climate change"

At the breakout sessions, problematic issues of SDG implementation and the contribution of standardization were discussed, participants from universities, medical institutions, enterprises, environmental organizations of Kazakhstan were invited to identify ways to solve them in the course of joint work, as well as to create an ideal model for achieving the SDGs. Head of the Department "Ecology" Shingisbayeva Zh.A. took part in the breakout sessions from the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University.

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