



Breeding bumblebee families for greenhouses

Supervisor: 4th year student of  Transport specialty Meldesh Kudipetali

Description: Bumblebees are used for pollination of various crops both in greenhouses (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, beans, melons, strawberries) and outdoors (blueberries, cherries, pears, raspberries, strawberries). Now it is difficult to imagine obtaining high yields on some crops without the use of bumblebees. Bumblebees are also used to pollinate seed crops such as clover.

The role of bumblebees in pollination of flowers of vegetables and berries is simple. It consists in moving pollen to the pistil of a flower. The further process (ovary formation, fetal maturation) does not depend on bumblebees.

To achieve high results, optimal conditions are needed, conducive to both the processes of vegetation of plants and the high activity of bumblebees. This is especially important in greenhouses, where natural conditions for the development of plants and insects are created artificially. It is easy to make mistakes here, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the number of fertilized flowers.

The significant effect of the symbiosis of plants and insects is noticeable on indoor tomatoes. For example, this plant will try to explain the basic rules for the use of bumblebees:

  • the input of bumblebees at the right time (no more than 10% open flowers at the beginning of cultivation)
  • the correspondence of bumblebees per usable area (4-12 nests/ha) depends on the tomato variety;
  • using of only selective pesticides (tables of pesticide toxicity are available on the websites of bumblebee producers);
  • the appropriate ambient temperature (bumblebees work at a temperature of +8 ... + 35 ° С, the optimum temperature for the development of the swarm is +27 .. + 28 ° С), the optimum humidity is 55-60%. Too much humidity in the greenhouse causes the pollen to stick together, and too low to dust it;
• appropriate fertilization and other procedures for the vegetation (affects the correct flowering, pollination and fruit setting).
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