



AP14869410 Technology for obtaining organic fertilizers based on the utilization of phosphorus-containing and carbon-containing waste to increase the yield of vegetable crops in the Turkestan region

AP14869410 Technology for obtaining organic fertilizers based on the utilization of phosphorus-containing and carbon-containing waste to increase the yield of vegetable crops in the Turkestan region


Supervisor: Issayev Ye.B., PhD, Associate Professor.

The aim of the project is to develop a technology for obtaining new types of organic fertilizers based on the utilization of phosphorus-containing and carbon-containing waste to increase the yield of vegetable crops in the Turkestan region.

Scientific novelty: For the first time, biological fertilizers will be created based on phosphorus-containing and carbon-containing wastes with the addition of various groups of microorganisms to increase the yield of vegetable crops.

Practical significance: The introduction of the developed biofertilizers on the vegetable lands of the south of Kazakhstan with a predictable positive result will serve as the basis for replicating the technology throughout Kazakhstan, which is of great national importance. The research results are of fundamental and applied importance, because. fertilizers on a bacterial and algological basis will be developed; at the same time, on the basis of screening studies, strains of algae will be identified that increase the yield and stress resistance of vegetable plants; the possibilities of wastewater disposal are considered, the agrotechnology of depleted soils under vegetable crops with the use of obtained biofertilizers is developed. On an international scale, the implementation of the proposed program will reduce the environmental pressure on the pollution of trans boundary territories by refusing to use chemical reagents in the form of fertilizers or pesticides. The industrial interest of enterprises in the south of Kazakhstan is justified by the presence of various unclaimed production wastes such as phosphorus-containing wastewater and slag, which can serve as cheap raw materials for the industrial cultivation of algae, which, on the other hand, will satisfy social demand in the form of reducing environmental tension in the region and creating additional jobs. These wastes occupy about 16 hectares of land in the territory of Shymkent, which, at present, are a source of pollution of the surrounding agricultural landscapes and the city itself. Their disposal will contribute to the socio-psychological relaxation of the population of the adjacent microdistricts.


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