Supervisor: Issayev Ye.B., PhD, Associate Professor. The aim of the project is to develop a technology for obtaining new types of organic fertilizers based on the utilization of phosphorus-containing and carbon-containing waste to increase the yield of vegetable crops in the Turkestan region. Scientific novelty: For the first time, biological fertilizers will be created based on phosphorus-containing and carbon-containing wastes with the addition of various groups of microorganisms to increase the yield of vegetable crops. Practical significance: The introduction of the developed biofertilizers on the vegetable lands of the south of Kazakhstan with a predictable positive result will serve as the basis for replicating the technology throughout Kazakhstan, which is of great national importance. The research results are of fundamental and applied importance, because. fertilizers on a bacterial and algological basis will be developed; at the same time, on the basis of screening studies, strains of algae will be identified that increase the yield and stress resistance of vegetable plants; the possibilities of wastewater disposal are considered, the agrotechnology of depleted soils under vegetable crops with the use of obtained biofertilizers is developed. On an international scale, the implementation of the proposed program will reduce the environmental pressure on the pollution of trans boundary territories by refusing to use chemical reagents in the form of fertilizers or pesticides. The industrial interest of enterprises in the south of Kazakhstan is justified by the presence of various unclaimed production wastes such as phosphorus-containing wastewater and slag, which can serve as cheap raw materials for the industrial cultivation of algae, which, on the other hand, will satisfy social demand in the form of reducing environmental tension in the region and creating additional jobs. These wastes occupy about 16 hectares of land in the territory of Shymkent, which, at present, are a source of pollution of the surrounding agricultural landscapes and the city itself. Their disposal will contribute to the socio-psychological relaxation of the population of the adjacent microdistricts. |
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Supervisor: Kedelbaev B.Sh., Doctor of Technical Sciences, proffessor. Scientific novelty: The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that for the first time for the rational use of rural pastures, the optimal composition of the herbage of desert plants will be determined, seeds will be treated with biostimulants and cultural pastures will be created for the full provision of animal feed.The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that for the first time a comprehensive assessment of the economic and environmental aspects of the use of rural pasture lands by rural communities will be given. Practical significance: It is known that the deserts of the south of Kazakhstan are characterized by sharp continentality. The habitat conditions for plants are very harsh. Insufficient atmospheric humidification, high air temperatures in summer, frequent high-speed winds lead to the fact that it is very problematic to obtain high and stable yields of pasture plants in these conditions. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the excessive load on pastures, the lack of measures taken to improve forage lands from year to year have led to the deterioration of pasture grass. It should be pointed out that over the past few years, no funds have been invested in maintaining and improving the land. |
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Supervisor: Shevko V.M.Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor The aim of the project: Creation of a fundamentally new an electrothermal resource-saving slag-free phosphorites processing technology with a high degree of integrated use of raw materials, through simultaneous (joint) production of gaseous phosphorus, calcium carbide and silicon-containing ferroalloy in an electric furnace. Scientific novelty: is to obtain new theoretical patterns of joint interaction of phosphorites, tricalcium phosphate, silicon oxides, calcium with carbon in the presence of iron, with the production of phosphorus, ferroalloy and calcium carbide. Practical significance: The experimental and applied results obtained during the implementation of the project will make a significant contribution to the technology of electrothermal processing of phosphorites and can be used both for the processing of Kazakhstani phosphorites and for phosphorites of foreign deposits, as well as for various phosphorus-containing natural and technogenic raw materials (for example, slag dumps of phosphorus enterprises), thereby contributing to an increase in raw materials for the production of phosphorus, ferroalloys and calcium carbide. The technology will increase the degree of integrated use of raw materials by 2 times. The proposed technology eliminates the formation of dump slag, thereby reducing the impact of production on the environment and improving the environmental situation in industrial regions. The technology can be implemented on standard equipment of the phosphorus sub-sector. The payback period of the proposed production is no more than 3-4 years. |
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Supervisor: Nadirov K.S., Laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of chemical sciences, professor. Scientific novelty: The main problem, which is the aim of the project, is to obtain new composite depressant reagents, which are supposed to be used as a depressant additive to reduce the freezing point of transported oil. Currently, in the fields of the South Torgai depression, most of the produced oils contain 12 - 18% of paraffins. These oils, due to the high content of paraffinic compounds, have a relatively high pour point, which makes it difficult to transport them through pipelines. To solve the problem, oil heating points are being installed at certain distances along the pipeline route. It should be noted that at present, due to environmental and economic reasons, the use of thermal oil treatment methods is undesirable. Based on the foregoing, new compositional depressant reagents will be obtained based on by-products of processing cotton soap stocks, polyolefins and aliphatic alcohols in this project, to solve the problem of pipeline transportation of paraffinic oil. Practical significance: The results of the project will be applied on the enterprises' oil pipelines for the collection and transportation of paraffinic oil. The results of this project will have a positive impact on the development of the oil and gas industry and the petrochemical industry in Kazakhstan. Recommendations will be developed for the production of chemical depressant reagents obtained within the framework of the project for use in the transportation of paraffinic oils. This will allow launching small-tonnage production of new domestic depressant reagents for paraffinic oil transported in the country's oil pipeline system. It would be advisable to organize the production of depressant additives and composite compositions based on them in Shymkent city and Turkestan region, that is, not far from enterprises where there is a sufficient amount of raw materials. The launch of the depressant additives production and composite reagents based on them will, firstly, reduce the dependence of domestic enterprises that are engaged in the transportation of paraffinic oil from the import of imported products and new jobs will be created in the Turkestan region and in Shymkent city. |
Supervisor: Moldagaliyev A.B., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor. The aim of the project is to develop, scientifically substantiate method for eliminating defects, increasing pipelines’ dynamic strength operated in seismic regions with composite linings. As a result, instructions will be developed for composite linings’ optimal design in seismically hazardous areas. Scientific novelty: The project considers the issues of increasing the resource of main pipelines for oil and oil products by banding with composite linings. The results of comprehensive studies of main pipelines will significantly complement and enrich the data known to science about their operation under operational and seismic effects. Calculation experiment methods and created mathematical models will serve as the basis for creating a methodology for designing pipelines with composite linings to eliminate defects and increase the dynamic strength of pipelines operated in seismic regions. Practical significance: The developed design of the main pipeline for oil and oil products provides optimal stress distribution in the wall defect zone, improves the dynamic characteristics of structures, which increases the reliability and safety of pipelines under seismic effects in general. The proposed method for increasing the dynamic strength and eliminating defects can be applied to pipelines of large diameters, regardless of the causes and geometric dimensions of defects. The engineering calculation methodology and the proposed practical recommendations for the optimal design of main pipelines with bandages made of composite materials, the developed method for increasing the strength at the defect site can be used by engineering and technical workers of various industries, research and design institutes when designing new aseismic and strengthening pipelines in operation. |
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Supervisor: Artykova Zh. K. The aim of the project: The development a technology for obtaining thermo-salt–resistant composite polymer stabilizers by copolymerization of weakly and strongly acidic monomers and their modification using waste oil and fat industry - fatty acids of gossypol resin to regulate rheological and filtration-technological properties, as well as the development of technology for obtaining weakly and strongly acidic acrylate (copolymers) polyelectrolytes and their modified derivatives in the presence of fatty acids acids of gossypol resin. Scientific novelty: The development and creation of high-quality multifunctional composite chemical reagents and regulation of their properties, allowing to obtain lightweight, averaged and weighted drilling fluids operating in difficult geological conditions is impossible without conducting in-depth studies of the physico-chemical interactions of organomineral ingredients and identifying patterns of influence of their structure, nature, type, content and ratio on the physico-chemical properties of reagents and drilling fluids based on them. Practical significance: Conducting studies of the influence of the nature, type, content and ratio of monomers, modifying components on physico-chemical and filtration-technological properties, allowing to create highly effective multifunctional composite stabilizers in high demand, providing the production of thermo-salt-resistant stabilized drilling fluids operating in complicated sandy-geological conditions on oil and gas-bearing sites is an urgent task, which will ensure an increase in the efficiency of the performance characteristics of the obtained compositions of composite stabilizers reducing the cost of the product. |
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Supervisor: Kudabayev R. B. The aim of the project: To develop energy-saving, environmentally friendly technology for concrete products and structures’ heat treatment using alternative solar energy based on energy-active solar chamber with heat accumulators. Scientific novelty: As a result of the project implementation, a design of a heat-accumulating solar cell with heat accumulators will be developed, which will provide an optimal mode of concrete hardening and a soft mode of heating and cooling. Practical significance: The project is to develop a technology for heat and moisture treatment of concrete products and structures using solar energy. The introduction of solar technology for processing concrete products and structures will save traditional energy up to 100% in the summer and at least 50% in the transitional and winter periods of the year, and will also allow the use of environmentally friendly technology in combination with high quality products and structures. |
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Scientific novelty: The scientific novelty consists in the fact that chelating modified cation exchange resins obtained by means of gasipole resin and snail shells are characterized by increased ion exchange capacity during the purification of polluted waters. Practical significance: The practical significance of the project is to develop a waste disposal technology that allows the recovery of wastewater without heavy metals in the process of industrial wastewater treatment.The use of ion exchange made it possible to carry out continuous technological processes, and in some cases to automate them, to conduct fine kinetic studies using catalysis with ionites. For nuclear power, the need for ionites is increasing. Nuclear power plants consume ionites for decomposing fuel, for defrosting, and water purification of nuclear reactor circuits. The applied significance of the work, depending on the research results, for the concentration of ions and organic substances in the hydrometallurgy of non-ferrous and precious metals, the purification of polluted waters from factories, the practical significance of new sorbents is effective. |
Supervisor: Smailov B. M. - PhD, Academician of IIA, Head of research laboratory "Petrochemistry and composite polymer materials " Research Institute "NTS" SKU named after M. Auezov. The aim of the project is to develop a technology for producing humate-containing fertilizers based on coal waste to improve soil fertility and crop yields. Scientific novelty: Based on the results of research work, the following parameters were determined: - thermodynamic characteristics of coal waste decomposition in hydrochloric acid solution were determined using the Outokumpu HSC-6 software package. - the optimal parameters of the process of decomposition of coal waste from the Lengerskoye deposit in a solution of nitric acid were established using the method of mathematical planning of experiments. - determined the kinetic regularities of the process of decomposition of coal waste in a solution of nitric acid with the production of humic acids and humates. The value of the "apparent" activation energy calculated by the Arrhenius equation Eapp.= 12.33 kJ/mol indicates that the process takes place in the diffusion region. - it has been established that the resulting humate-containing fertilizer is characterized by a high content of humic substances, which are involved in soil structure formation, the accumulation of nutrients and microelements in a form accessible to plants, and contribute to the regulation of geochemical flows of metals in water and soil ecosystems. Practical significance: The practical significance lies in the development of a technology for the disposal of technogenic waste with the production of humate-containing fertilizers, which allows you to restore soil fertility and positively affects plant productivity. |
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Project topic: Hydrodynamic patterns of an innovative installation for converting flow energy (gas, water) into electrical energy, with vortex interaction of flows Director: Serikuly Zh., PhD, associate professor. Project objective: Investigation of the hydrodynamic regularities of an innovative installation for converting alternative energy sources into electrical energy, taking into account vortex interaction. Scientific novelty: Converting the kinetic energy of air and liquid flows into electrical energy. Practical significance: Renewable energy in developed countries exceeds 50% of all electricity consumption. Along with widespread renewable sources such as the sun, wind, water, vibration energy is of increasing interest. Environmental vibrations constitute a very promising class among all possible sources of environmental energy. Developed countries use the vibration energy of roads, railways, subways, pedestrian crossings, etc. This project proposes the use of the most common source - wind and water. Using the advantage of an innovative vibration transducer, the study of hydrodynamic patterns contributes to the development of the direction of vibration energy using flow features. The basis for solving the problem is the results of fundamental and applied research on the development of scientific foundations for the creation of devices with a regular structure and their application for energy conversion. Ways to convert wind energy have been actively explored over the past two decades. The relevance of the wind energy conversion system based on the laws of vortex interaction lies in the intensification of the process of formation and separation of vortices behind streamlined bodies. In the process of energy generation, each element of the converters takes an active part. The uniformity of the distribution of flows over the cross section of the installation improves, the turbulence of the air flow increases due to the intensification of the process of formation and separation of vortices behind the streamlined bodies and the achievement of the mode of simultaneous vortex formation. The key difference of this product is the simplicity of design and installation, applicability in almost any industry, as well as for smart city projects. The design can use the kinetic energy of not only wind, but also liquids, exhaust gas, air flows to optimize the costs of the enterprise. |
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Supervisor: Azimov A.M., PhD, Head of the research laboratory "Innovative water Treatment Systems". As a result of the project implementation, a recommendation of a promising drinking water purification technology will be prepared, which will provide not only a direct economic effect, but also at least 10% of the environmental effect on a regional scale, for specific deposits. The developed methodological recommendation will cover the choice of optimal technologies (settling, filtration, flocculation, coagulation, adsorption, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, chemical disinfection) and regime parameters of drinking water purification. Practical significance: The obtained scientific results will become the basis for the development of methods for calculating energy- and resource-saving technologies and equipment for the purification of drinking water deposits in the Southern region of Kazakhstan, will open up the possibility of creating a scientific base of technological complexes that are actually used at water treatment plants, allowing both to reduce the costs of enterprises and improve the environmental and social situation. The target consumers of the results obtained are water treatment plants.
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The winner of the grant "Zhas galym"
PhD doctor Mominova Saule Makhmudovna
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Young scientist of the Grant "Zhas Galym" PhD doctor Aigerim Asylkhankyzy Continue! Doctor PhD Asylkhankyzy Aigerim issued a grant "Zhas Galym" on the project AP19175404 "Studying the progress of potassium deposits in Zhilyansky and Chelkarsky settlements". The young person will be able to develop measures to obtain potassium-magnesium mineral deposits from the zhilyansk and Chelkar settlements of Kazakhstan. According to the project, new methods of obtaining low potassium and magnesium deposits will allow to develop a large technological scheme of production, increase the quality of the product, expand the range of cheese for obtaining new mineral deposits for consideration in potassium permanganate recycling. And this project will be released in 2023-2025 under the priority of "Geology, addition and processing of mineral and mineral products, new materials, technologies, non-ferrous metals and structures". Aigerim Asylkhankyzy received a PhD degree. This is the first scientific project. We wish success to the winner of the grant "Zhas Galym" Asylkhankyzy Aigerim!
The holder of the grant "Zhas galym" PhD, associate Professor Zhakipbayev Bibol Ermuratovich |
The winner of the grant "Zhas galym" Candidate of Technical Sciences, The decision of the National Scientific Council on the priority "Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures" was announced today. By the decision of the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Kocherov Yerkebulan Nurgaliyev won the grant. The topic of the AP19175875 project is "Obtaining multi-purpose thermal insulation products based on natural raw materials and man-made waste". The project will be implemented in 2023-2025. Young scientist E.N. Kocherov will create the basis for the production of multipurpose thermal insulation products based on clay raw materials and man-made waste and develop a scientifically based way to improve the thermal insulation properties of porous fillers. |
The blazing star of science! For the human body to feel good, it is necessary to receive a whole set of nutritious minerals, full-fledged proteins and vitamins, which are not enough in everyday food. With the increase in population growth around the world, the need for meat products increases accordingly, but due to the increase in prices for these products, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase it. To meet the needs of the country's population in meat products, one of the priorities is the use of vegetable raw materials in the production of sausages, which are one of the most popular food products. In modern conditions, the optimal choice of vegetable raw materials for semi-smoked sausage is determined not only by the correspondence of biological and nutritional characteristics, but also to saturate it with high-grade protein and the competitiveness of the products produced. For the first time, the team of scientists intends to comprehensively investigate and use the blood of various farm animals in the form of dry, liquid and frozen blood for protein content in order to enrich the amino acid composition and give the meat product such consumer properties as appearance, juiciness and taste. The technology of semi-smoked sausage from vegetable meat substitute with the addition of functional food blood will be developed within the framework of the AP19679729 project " Development of the technology of semi-smoked sausage from a vegetable meat substitute for functional purposes". PhD project manager Zheleuova Zhazira Suleevna. In this project, a meat substitute from vegetable raw materials will be created to develop a technology of semi-smoked sausage with the addition of edible blood intended for healthy nutrition. Congratulations to the scientific director of the project Zheleuova Zhazira Suleevna and the scientists who contributed to the scientific project! Department of Scientific |
The parade of science stars continues!
Today, the task is to reduce energy consumption in heat supply systems by using affordable, cheap materials. The problem of anticorrosive protection of heating systems is relevant in Kazakhstan. Natural waters used in heating systems as a heat carrier can cause corrosion aggressiveness due to the content of carbon dioxide, molecular oxygen, iron ions, hydrogen sulfide and sulfides in the water. The process of rusting on the inner surface of heat-carrying devices occurs as a result of chemical or physico-chemical interaction of these surfaces with the coolant, causing corrosion destruction of any material, be it metal or ceramics, or polymer. Corrosion inhibitors, a group of substances capable of forming a protective film on the surface of metal equipment, are successfully attributed to the methods of protecting metal structures from corrosion. Even small concentrations of inhibitors in a corrosive environment can noticeably slow down and suppress oxidative processes. The problem of anticorrosive protection of pipes will be solved within the framework of the AP19679027 project "Development of competitive technology for cleaning heat supply systems for saving energy" according to the priority "Energy and Mechanical Engineering". The project manager is Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor Kabylbekova Balzhan Nurmanovna. The results obtained will have a great impact on the development of science and technology, have a significant social and economic effect, and will allow the use of the proposed inhibitors to create an effective film to protect the pipeline surface from corrosion. |
The parade of science stars continues! The next grant holder in the competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025 is a Candidate of chemical Sciences, associate professor (associate professor) Tukibayeva Ainur Sultankhanovna. Ainur Sultankhanovna was previously the head of the grant project. This time, the AР19679002 project "Integrated processing of wastes containing phosphine and intermediate products of phosphorus production into environmentally friendly products" under her leadership will be carried out according to the priority "Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures". The aim of the project is to develop a rational and economical technical solution that ensures the maximum degree of utilization of waste and industrial products of phosphorus production with the production of environmentally safe target products. The prospects of the development will be determined by the widespread use of environmentally friendly phosphoric acid and its salts in various sectors of the national economy. Successful implementation of the project, which will result in recommendations on the use of the developed technology for processing phosphine-containing gases of phosphoric production and purification of thermal phosphoric acid from lower phosphorus acids by electrochemical means. The applicability and the possibility of commercialization of the obtained scientific results is high. A distinctive feature of this development is the purity of the products obtained. The policy of development of industrial waste disposal programs in the Republic of Kazakhstan creates a favorable environment for the implementation of the obtained scientific results. The project will be carried out in cooperation with scientists of the Poznan University of Technology (Poznan University of Technology). |
The parade of science stars continues! The grant holder is Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Eskibayeva Chaizada Zulpukharovna According to the results of the competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025, a grant was awarded for the project AP19676952 "Development of innovative and cost-effective methods for the extraction of magnesium and other components from chrysotile technogenic waste". The project will be carried out according to the priority "Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures". Within the framework of the project, new economically efficient schemes of technologies for extracting useful components from man-made waste will be developed:compounds of magnesium, silica and concentrates of iron, nickel, chromium in the form of goods and products with market values. The scientific novelty will be the new conditions for the selective extraction of magnesium from technogenic waste in salt forms, based on the use of stoichiometrically necessary amounts of acids calculated according to thermoanalytic studies of technogenic waste, as well as new effective methods of purification of target products. The project is aimed at solving the problems of utilization of technogenic waste from the extraction and enrichment of chrysotile and diversification of production of chrysotile mining enterprises, providing industrially important magnesium compounds to various industries of Kazakhstan, import substitution. |
Project topic: Development of scientific foundations for the resistance of main gas pipelines to extended avalanche destruction Director: Zhangabay Nurlan Project objective: Study of the mechanism of destruction propagation and development of scientific bases for assessing the resistance of main gas pipelines to extended avalanche destruction Scientific novelty: Development of a method for localization of the spread of extended avalanche damage in main gas pipelines Practical significance: The developed methods of localization of extended destruction of gas pipelines will allow to localize or stop a rapidly developing fracture crack, thereby reducing the scale of the accident and the time to restore the destroyed section. The proposed formulas and methods for assessing the stress-strain state of the crack development zone can be used in design and research organizations when designing new, strengthening or repairing operated gas pipelines. The results of the study can be applied in universities when teaching a number of technical disciplines of a special course. |
Project topic: Supervisor: Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, M. I. Sataev. Practical significance: Main consumers/users of the program results: state bodies, Kazakhstani scientific organizations dealing with water resources problems, universities, state republican and territorial administrative structures, agricultural formations (farms, households, etc.), project organizations in the field of developing integrated plans for the socio-economic development of Kazakhstan, public organizations, USAID, experts in the field of water resources and environmental protection, ecology, international scientific and educational centers and departments, working in the field of "green technologies" of membrane distillation, analytical research laboratories for water purification, water desalination. The results obtained will improve the quality of drinking water in settlements of residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. |
Project topic: Investigation of the possibility of obtaining chromite pigments from technogenic waste for the textile industry Director: Turakulov Bakhriddin Bakhodurovich Project objective: Development and creation of a resource- and energy-saving technology in the production of pigments from calcined carbon-containing chromite pellets, and the application of chromite pigment to a cotton and mixed fabric base Scientific novelty: The scientific novelty of the project lies in the study of the process of obtaining burnt carbon-containing chromite pellets from industrial waste and their subsequent synthesis into chromite pigment, which is used for application to a cotton and mixed fabric base. Practical significance: The practical significance of the project lies in the development of technological bases for the disposal of man-made waste with the production of chromite pigments, which can replace imported pigments used in the textile industry. |
Project theme: AP15473609 Development of technology for obtaining phosphorus-containing fertilizers to increase crop yields The ongoing project for the production of phosphorus-containing fertilizers will increase the volume of products produced in Kazakhstan and significantly expand the product line. The main consumers of the offered products are enterprises in the agricultural sector, where this phosphorus-containing fertilizers will be used to increase soil fertility, thereby affecting the increase in yield and plant resistance to environmental stress factors. |
Project theme: AP15473152 Preservation of biodiversity and investigation of Chemical Constituents of Eranthis longistipitata Supervisor: PhD, senior lecturer Aimenova Zh.E. Scientific novelty: within the framework of this Project, for the first time will be performed experiments on microclonal and seed propagation of Eranthis longistipitata, various biochemical properties of this plant will be investigated, which characterize it as a valuable medicinal plant raw material. Practical significance: nowadays there is no generalizing comprehensive assessment of the number of species, growing conditions, phytochemical properties of Eranthis longistipitata. This makes it necessary to carry out comprehensive studies that ensure the creation and implementation of mechanisms for their sustainable existence and restoration. The target consumers of the proposed project will be pharmaceutical enterprises aimed at using economically valuable and rare types of medicinal plants. The consumers of the results obtained will also be commercial enterprises that sell medicinal raw materials to pharmaceutical enterprises and research and production organizations.
Project theme: AP05130208 Development of a technology for the activation of an organic natural absorbent with desired properties and a developed porous structure to obtain modified adsorbents with selective selectivity. Supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences Sataev M.I. The aim of the project is the development and implementation of new devices for the production of activated carbons, as well as the regime of chemical and thermal activation and technology for the production of activated carbons in order to obtain an adsorbent with specified properties and a porous structure, with a high adsorption capacity for industrial deep water purification and characteristics that meet the requirements industry for adsorbents. The novelty and significance of the technology for producing an adsorbent with the desired properties, developed porous structure and high adsorption capacity for the extraction and concentration of valuable components, water purification is determined, first of all, by the creation and development of designs of high-performance, small-sized and reliable devices for mechanical activation for obtaining powders with high activity and narrow particle size distribution. The result of the project will be the production of an adsorbent from fruit seed shells with desired properties, porous structure and high adsorption capacity for the extraction and concentration of substances. |
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Project theme: AP05133231 Research and development of energy-saving structures using effective insulation with heat-reflecting coatings to increase the level of thermal protection of the building. Supervisor: Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor R.A. Ristavletov The goal of the project is to develop a scientific and practical basis for energy conservation in residential and public buildings by reducing heat losses in enclosing structures by using effective insulation materials with heat-reflecting coatings. The scientific novelty of the project lies in the creation of an energy-saving structural fencing system for residential and public buildings using energy-efficient heaters with a heat-reflecting coating, which makes it possible to reduce the radiation component of heat loss in a multilayer enclosing structure. The practical significance lies in the creation of scientific and practical foundations for the design and mass application of energy-saving enclosing structures of residential and public buildings using effective insulation materials with heat-reflecting coatings, which ensure a significant reduction in heat loss during operation and a corresponding saving of thermal energy during operation of the building. |
Project theme: AP09260365 Application of integrated technologies to reduce environmental pollution and increase energy efficiency of industrial complexes. Supervisor: PhD doctor, associate professor Kaldybaeva B.M. The goal of the project is to simultaneously optimize the use of heat recovery, cogeneration of heat and electricity, renewable energy sources and fossil fuels, reduce the level of environmental pollution by industrial emissions and increase the energy efficiency of industrial complexes. Scientific novelty is the conduct of scientific research to improve the existing technology and improve the quality characteristics of the resulting cellulose and paper based on it, the development of new stabilizers of hydrogen peroxide and the study of their influence on the technological modes of obtaining and the quality of cellulose products. The practical significance of the results lies in the possibility of optimizing resource consumption and assessing the possibilities of integrating the considered technical solutions. |
Project theme: AP08956891 Investigation of photochemical activation of the surface of dielectric materials for the purpose of applying metal coatings. Supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sataev M.S. The goal of the project is to create a technology for the deposition of metal coatings on dielectric materials using cheap and affordable reagents and having lower energy costs due to the use of solar energy. This technology should be convenient for small businesses and private entrepreneurs. Scientific novelty: The mechanism of activating the surface of a dielectric by carrying out photochemical reactions is a scientific novelty. This method makes it possible to obtain active particles of not only copper, but also silver and gold. Moreover, due to the fact that these elements have a more positive potential and the reactions proceed in lighter conditions. Practical significance: The impact of photons of light on the surface of these crystals leads to a photochemical reaction with the formation of metal atoms. Moreover, this process will also begin with border crystals of monovalent chlorides, which have large distortions of the crystal lattice. Such a scheme of the initial filling of pores with metal explains well the adhesion of films obtained by the photochemical method. The proposed technology has a number of positive aspects in comparison with the existing methods. |
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Project theme: AP08857586 Processing of cotton tar to obtain commercial reagents for the oil and gas industry. Supervisor: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Nadirov K.S. The aim of the project is to develop competitive synergistic compositions - demulsifiers - for effective oil dehydration, based on fatty acids extracted from a by-product of cottonseed oil processing - fatty acid distillation tar. The scientific novelty is the use of tar components to obtain demulsifiers. You should pay attention to this aspect. A significant proportion (up to 60-70%) of the residual FAs are unsaturated FAs, which are more reactive in comparison with saturated FAs. Traditionally, fatty acids are obtained by catalytic oxidation of paraffins, with the formation of predominantly saturated fatty acids. First, paraffins are themselves a commercial product. Second, the degree of conversion of saturated fatty acids into oxyethylated derivatives is lower than that of unsaturated fatty acids. Thus, the cost of the proposed demulsifiers will be lower than commercial ones. Calculations have shown that the cost of new demulsifiers will be about 0.5 USD per kilogram. Practical significance: Based on the results of the project, the production of new domestic demulsifiers can be created. It is advisable to locate the production in South Kazakhstan, not far from the source of raw materials - tar. Production will allow, firstly, to reduce the dependence of domestic oil producing and refining enterprises on imported products. Secondly, new jobs will be created. Third, the amount of stored tar will decrease by 35-40% (due to the extraction of liquid residues from them); this will reduce the negative impact of tar on the environment. |