

The online round table was held at the international environmental forum "Life without Waste"

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On November 15, the International Environmental Forum "Life without Waste" dedicated to the World Recycling Day was held at the M.Auezov South Ural State University. The purpose of this event is to attract the attention of scientists, students, youth, the public and industrial structures to this problem. Within the framework of the forum, an international online round table was held, held with leading environmental scientists from Russia, Georgia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Serious issues of waste recycling were discussed at the round table meeting. A colleague from Belarus - V. N. Martsul, head of the The Department of Industrial Ecology of the Belarusian State Technological University presented an interesting scientific and practical work "Improving the treatment of sewage treatment plants in the context of a closed-cycle economy". Of particular interest was the report of Nato Mirzveli, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the P.Melikishvili Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry at Tbilisi State University on the topic: "Production of packaging paper from secondary raw materials with herbicidal properties". The topic was actively discussed and raised many questions from the participants of the round table. Interesting reports were also presented by our domestic environmental scientists: Beisenova R. R., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of "Management and Engineering in the Field of Environmental Protection" of the Eurasian National University; Akkazin Yerzhan Asetovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences of the UNESCO UR Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; Zhekeeva M. K., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, full member (academician) of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, N.O. Dzhakipbekova, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; G. M. Iztleuova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ecology, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University. Issues of scientific and methodological work were discussed with V.M. Misyuchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Management of the Faculty of Environmental Monitoring of the Sakharov International State Institute of the Belarusian State University. The topic of the report "The experience of teaching the discipline "waste management" at the university in the direction of implementing the principles of sustainable development" was useful for all participants of the round table. All participants of the forum noted the high and productive joint work, thanked the leadership of the South Kazakhstan University. M.Auezova for organizing such a serious event and offered to meet regularly on the World Recycling Day and share their achievements and ideas 

International Environmental Forum "Life without waste"

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Teachers and students of the Department of "Ecology" of the M.Auezov UCU organized and held an international environmental forum "Life without Waste" dedicated to the World Recycling Day, which is celebrated on November 15. The Forum brought together several programs at once: an educational one - a cycle of practical workshops on waste recycling and a scientific and methodological program. The purpose of this event is to attract the attention of scientists, students, youth, the public and industrial structures to this problem. As part of the master classes, students of our university showed the importance of recycling used raw materials, in the form of various crafts (making various items from plastic bottles, used paper, disposable spoons, sushi sticks, etc.), showed their video works. They showed so much enthusiasm and creativity, and offered many options for recycling waste: eco-robots, lamps, kitchen utensils, vases of various configurations and sizes, flowers of the most diverse and beautiful, houses for cats and birds, a scratching post for a cat, dresses from magazines and newspapers, polyethylene and paper were made here! A master class on recycling used paper at home was also shown. Preserving our planet for the future generation and caring for the environment is our common responsibility ! "There is such a firm rule... I got up in the morning, washed my face, put myself in order — and immediately put your planet in order" - these words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, said 75 years ago, are exactly right for today. Congratulations to everyone on this holiday and we are waiting for everyone to take part next year! In the meantime, there is time to implement new ideas for recycling!!!

Waste free Life

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Department of "Ecology" SKU named after Auezov invites you to the international ecological forum "Waste free Life", dedicated to the World Day of Recycling, annually celebrated on November 15.

The purpose of this event is to draw the attention of young people, the public and industrial structures to this problem.

The main task of recycling is to solve the problem of limited resources, reduce the cost of finished products by using cheaper raw materials and combat environmental pollution.

The forum is held on November 15 from 10.00 to 16.00 at SKU named after M.Auezov (Tauke-khan ave., 5).

The forum will combine several programs at once: educational - a cycle of practical master classes on waste recycling and a scientific and methodological program.

 Forum program:

 І.  10.00 - 10-45h - Forum opening.  (Building A, G. Ilyaev st., 12)

II. 10.45 - 12.20h - Master classes of student work on waste recycling. (Building A, G. Ilyaev st., 12).

ІІІ.  12.30-14.00h - Lunch break.

IV.  14.00-16.00h - International online round table on the topic "Utilization of production and consumption waste: innovative approaches and technologies." (Room 342 Main Building, Conference ID 7783801780, Access Code 0000)

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