


Student tour

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05/11/2022, 3rd year students of the educational program “6B05210-Ecology” and teachers of the department “Ecology” went on an excursion to Sairamsu, organized by the Corporate Fund for Biodiversity Conservation of Kazakhstan.  During the excursion, students got acquainted with the priceless riches of the Kingdom of flora and fauna of the south of Kazakhstan, and in fact the World Natural Heritage.  They also got acquainted with installations for improving the state of the environment: a solar energy installation, drip irrigation, a natural thermos shower, a natural dryer and a dry toilet.  Based on the conducted research work, the Foundation has prepared a "Living Handbook" with the participation of the World Wide Fund for Nature.  This handbook is published within the framework of the project “Improving the efficiency of management of specially protected natural areas of the Western Tien Shan”.

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