


Opening of the educational and scientific production complex by the Department of Ecology

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On January 26. 2021у a chair of "Ecology" of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov opened an educational and scientific production complex (ESPC) on the basis of the chair of Ecology in Shymkent. The educational and scientific production complex is considered as one of the organizational forms of integration of education, science and production, interaction of higher educational institutions with state organizations, enterprises, and industries.

The purpose of the ESPC is to strengthen the practical training of students and undergraduates, the development of research work of the department and increase the interest of students and undergraduates in research.

The department together with the chair developed a plan for the current academic year and began to conduct practical and laboratory classes on the discipline "Environmental monitoring" online on the basis of the ESPC. Let our planned work move forward, good luck to all of us!

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