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Dear colleagues and students of the Auezov South-Kazakhstan University!

For the first time we are pleased to announce that our university took part in the UI Green Metric World University Ranking and entered the top 500 universities in the world in 2020. Among the 912 participating leading universities of the world, the Auezov South-Kazakhstan University took 458th position. The Republic of Kazakhstan was represented by 16 universities and among them our university is on 6th positions.

The purpose of the UI Green Metric Ranking is a quantitative assessment of the sustainability (environmental friendliness) of campuses. The ranking is based entirely on the conceptual framework of the environment, economics and fairness, and contributes to the enhancement of the image of the university in the field of internationalization in the world arena.

Achievements of the university and its position in the republican and world rankings are the results of the work of a highly professional team of the university. Let in the future activity of the university will be resulted in great creative achievements, bold projects and new discoveries!

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