International seminar “Green City Infrastructure and Transport of the Future”
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The Department of «Transport, Organization of Transportation and Traffic» of MukhtarAuezov South Kazakhstan University held an international seminar on the topic "Infrastructure of a green city and transport of the future" online on the ZOOM platform on February 28, 2024. The seminar is dedicated to providing transport systems with the ability to operate with huge amounts of data, combine and integrate existing control systems, take into account hundreds of possible changes in order to make the right decisions in real time.
The seminar was attended by:
- Zorin V.A., Head of the Department "Production and Repair of cars and road vehicles", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI), Moscow, Russia, topic of the report "New structural materials and technologies for the production and repair of transport and technological machines";
- TrofimenkoYu.V., Head of the Technosphere Safety Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI), Moscow, Russia; topic of the report "Current directions of scientific research in the field of technosphere transport safety";
- Christian Boettger, Director of Global Sales at Simetra Group LLC, topic of the report "Transport modeling as a tool for strategic planning of urban transport systems";
- BuronovSh.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Modern Innovative Technologies of Tashkent State Transport University; topic of the report "On February 28, 2024, the Department of Transport, Organization of Transportation and Traffic of MukhtarAuezov South Kazakhstan University held an international seminar on the topic "Infrastructure of a green city and transport of the future" online on the ZOOM platform. The seminar is dedicated to providing transport systems with the ability to operate with huge amounts of data, combine and integrate existing control systems, take into account hundreds of possible changes in order to make the right decisions in real time.
The seminar was attended by:
- Zorin V.A., Head of the Department "Production and Repair of cars and road vehicles", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI), Moscow, Russia, topic of the report "New structural materials and technologies for the production and repair of transport and technological machines";
- TrofimenkoYu.V., Head of the Technosphere Safety Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI), Moscow, Russia; topic of the report "Current directions of scientific research in the field of technosphere transport safety";
- Christian Boettger, Director of Global Sales at Simetra Group LLC, topic of the report "Transport modeling as a tool for strategic planning of urban transport systems";
- BuronovSh.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Modern Innovative Technologies of the Tashkent State Transport University; topic of the report "Justification of a separate lane for shuttle buses in cities";
- Nazarov A.A., Head of the Department of Traffic Management, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Tashkent State Transport University; topic of the report "Ways to increase the capacity of the urban street and road network";
- Tulenov A.T., Ph.D., Professor of the department "Transport, organization of transportation and traffic". M.Auezov SKU; the topic of the report is "Assessment and regulation of the interaction of a transport facility with the environment".
The seminar once again showed that MukhtarAuezov South Kazakhstan University is expanding mutual cooperation with foreign partners";
- Nazarov A.A., Head of the Department of Traffic Management, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Tashkent State Transport University; topic of the report "Ways to increase the capacity of the urban street and road network";