


Winter school «Ways to improve the professional training of practical psychologists and educational psychologists in an innovative educational environment»

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01/22/2024-02/03/2024 International Winter School Auezov University-2024 started at the Department of «General Pedagogy and Psychology» of M. Auezov SКU on the topic «Ways to improve the professional training of practical psychologists and educational psychologists in an innovative educational environment»

 The purpose of the winter school: To attract scientists and specialists to discuss problems and make practical decisions in improving the professional training of practical psychologists and educational psychologists in an innovative educational environment

Leading scientists, researchers, psychologists, teachers, young scientists, specialists in the field of social, humanitarian and pedagogical sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan will take part in the work of the Winter School.

The following speakers spoke at the opening of the winter school: President of the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences A.K. Kusainov, President of the ROO "Kazakh Psychological Society", Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Academician  M.A. Perlenbetov, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Doctor of Philology, Professor I.Kh. Karimova., Associate Professor, branch of  M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University  L.Z. Sultanova, expressing wishes for fruitful work and creative success to the school participants.

During the winter school, speeches by scientists, teachers of domestic and foreign universities, leading practical psychologists in Kazakh, Russian, Turkish and English are planned. The winter school is an excellent opportunity to improve the professional competence of specialists, give impetus to the professional development of students, increase the number of credits for obtaining Bachelor's degree.

The school will be held online on the Zoom platform

Organizer: Department of “General Pedagogy and Psychology” of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan Research University  


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