Department of "Ecology" SKU named after Auezov invites you to the international ecological forum "Waste free Life", dedicated to the World Day of Recycling, annually celebrated on November 15.
The purpose of this event is to draw the attention of young people, the public and industrial structures to this problem.
The main task of recycling is to solve the problem of limited resources, reduce the cost of finished products by using cheaper raw materials and combat environmental pollution.
The forum is held on November 15 from 10.00 to 16.00 at SKU named after M.Auezov (Tauke-khan ave., 5).
The forum will combine several programs at once: educational - a cycle of practical master classes on waste recycling and a scientific and methodological program.
Forum program:
І. 10.00 - 10-45h - Forum opening. (Building A, G. Ilyaev st., 12)
II. 10.45 - 12.20h - Master classes of student work on waste recycling. (Building A, G. Ilyaev st., 12).
ІІІ. 12.30-14.00h - Lunch break.
IV. 14.00-16.00h - International online round table on the topic "Utilization of production and consumption waste: innovative approaches and technologies." (Room 342 Main Building, Conference ID 7783801780, Access Code 0000)